Simply glowing!
We wanted to show off some of the recent glow-in-the-dark pick designs that customers have ordered. Glow-in-the-dark picks are still a fairly new item that Steve Clayton, Inc. has provided for custom design, but they are definitely a hit! Glow picks don’t look that much different from other picks at first sight, but all you have to do is put them under a bright light for a couple minutes, and they are sure to stand out at a dark rock concert! Simple designs with thick, bold lines come out best on the glow picks, which is why we chose these three designs as great examples. Each design has a name and an image to give them the personal touch, but they are not overcrowded with detail. So, if you are thinking about designing some custom glow picks, have a look at the picks shown here to get some ideas! To design custom glow picks: Clayton Custom