Holiday Picks!!
The holidays are just around the corner, and we have already started getting some custom holiday pick designs submitted by our customers! Shown here is a fun “Happy Holidays” pick design, with a snowman playing guitar on it. Picks like these are great to use for parties, promotional events, or special holiday concerts. This particular design is on our acetal pick material, which is semi-transparent white in color and has a really nice non-slip surface. We have many pick varieties, shapes and gauges available for making custom designs, and you can check them all out at We also want to remind you that the month of December is our busiest time, so if you are wanting to order custom guitar picks to have in time for the holiday season, it is always best to place your order sooner than later!! Also, be on the lookout for e-mail web blasts with discount codes, because we have two more promotions coming up this month! Happy holidays, and happy designing from Clayton!