• The Professional's Choice


Ultimate Ultem

One of the pick materials that we use here at Steve Clayton is called Ultem, and it is often overlooked when designing custom picks. While the Ultem picks are slightly more limited in the area of design because they can only support three different colors, they are appreciated for their durability and strong playing quality. When designing Ultem picks, users of our custom site may submit any design that contains black, brown, and/or red colors. These three colors can make for an appealing [...]

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York Region Transit

We shipped out a whole lot of picks today for York Region Transit, which is a transportation system up in Canada.  They are holding a contest that supports their local bands. Which we thought was so cool of them to do within their community.   The pick material is a custom blue color to match their logo. We do a lot of custom pick material coloring for our large clients.  To learn more about the contest go to their site at: http://www.yorkregiontransit.com/

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Our Employee of the Month – Juana

We wanted to share with everyone that our employee of the month for February is Juana!!!  Juana is one of our employees that we employ in factory with a developmental disability. One of our goals as a company is to give back to society, and we do this by providing jobs for individuals in our community that have disabilities.  For over 20 years continuously we have employed disabled individuals in the production of our products.  We average about 25 of these individuals [...]

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New Endorsement – Ian Severson of Future Leaders of the World

Congratulations to Ian Severson becoming our new endorsed artist!  Severson currently is the guitarist for the band Future Leaders of the World. In 2004 the band was formed in Buffalo, New York recording a demo in Los Angeles.  They signed with Epic Records for their full release of LVL IV featuring the hit “Let Me Out.”  Future Leaders of the World has their sound comparable to the Nirvana grunge.

Severson has also [...]

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Angry Shadow

Fans be sure to check out the new endorsed artist Angry Shadow.  Here is a clip for you to enjoy .  While I checked out the bands website I found one video you’ll have to see for yourself called “The Eruption by Bryan G. Jackasski”   We are happy to support them with our unique custom picks.  I was very happy with how well the Angry Shadow’s picks came out.  You can find out more band info with their website AngryShadow.com.

Find more videos like this on Angry Shadow™

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Miss Ida Ljungqvist Signs at NAMM for Clayton

The Playmate of the Year Miss Ida Ljungqvist was in full bunny costume signing autographs and handing out picks with her signature on them at NAMM 2010 for us.  She had a very long line of fans waiting to get her autograph!  To see the whole line of Playboy products please check out our website at: www.playboyguitars.com.

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Our New Glow in the Dark Custom Guitar Picks

You may have noticed that we started offering Glow in the Dark custom guitar picks about 2 months ago.  Since the very hour they went live on our website, we have been getting tons of orders for them.  Way more than we ever anticipated. Here is a picture of a few of the ones we shipped out yesterday.  Our Glow in the Dark picks can only be printed with black ink.  In the dark the black ink allows you to still see the image when it glows.  I will try to get a picture of what the look like in [...]

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How long was that line???

I have been asked so many times how long our line was at NAMM to meet Kyle Gass.  We do know that it spanned a couple of isles and was extremly long. We were lucky enough to recently obtain some video footage that shows at least half of the length of the line. The other half of the line goes to the right, and was broken up in order to allow traffic to flow by. Click on the picture below to view the Quicktime movie.Continue Reading

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