• The Professional's Choice


Pictures of our NAMM booth

We have been getting lots of requests to put up pictures of our 2010 NAMM booth. I finally got around to getting them on here.  We had a double decker booth this year with a lounge at the top.  In addition we had 2 sound proof offices to conduct meetings in. As anyone who has ever been to NAMM knows, it is very loud! Without the sound proof rooms it can be quite impossible to get any business done, especially in Hall C were we are located.

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Moe’s Southwest Grill Picks, Mmmmm!

We made a ton of picks for the yummy Moe’s Southwest Grill last week. I am a little late on this post as we made them and shipped them while I was at NAMM.  Moe’s had a really tight deadline, but we got them off to them on time! One of our specialties is making very tight deadlines. These picks were make to promote their www.beadeadringer.com site. Moe’s is holding a contest to forever be immortalized on their walls.  If you look like a [...]

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Kyle Gass just won’t Rest until Clayton is the Best!

After three straight hours of signing autographs, Kyle Gass had some final words to say at the NAMM show.

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Kyle Gass Signs at Clayton NAMM booth

Yes, it is true! Kyle Gass of Tenacious D / Trainwreck came to the Clayton Booth at NAMM 2010 to do

kyle-gass-blog1a signing for all his fans.  Hundreds and hundreds of his fans

showed up to meet him and get


an autograph with a line that spaned over 3 aisles!  Some fans waited in line over an hour to be one of the

first to meet him. Kyle did not disappoint, [...]

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Cirque du Soleil – Chris Angel and Viva Elvis Pick Necklaces

We just got done doing a large pick necklace order for both Cirque du Soleil Chris Angel and Viva Elvis.  These are both amazing shows, so next time you are in Vegas make sure to check them out!

Below are descriptions of each of the shows:

“Viva ELVIS®, a harmonious fusion of dance, acrobatics and live music, is a tribute to the life and [...]

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Congrats James!

We just wanted to take a moment to congratulate James Otto on his winning the award for co-writing the Song of the Year, “In Color” at the CMA’s this week! If you want to check out James new music, or see where his current shows are check out his myspace!

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Music to Heal!

“Music to Heal” provides free “silent” musical instruments, iPods, and music instruction to hospital inpatients to enhance and scan2accelerate their recovery.  We are thrilled about our partnership with Clayton and their provision of complimentary picks to accompany our silent guitars.  Please check us out at www.musictoheal.org!” We are excited to be working with such an amazing organization and are happy they approached us for their need of guitar picks. We printed their gorgeous logo on White Delrin. We really love these two [...]

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The new way to scratch your lottery tickets!

We just got done with a very large order for the California Lottery. These were printed with white ink on our baby blue celluloid material. untitled-1This material is offered on larger orders, and it’s available in many other colors. If you are interested in pricing or more information please give us a call and we would be happy to assist you with your questions. After we ran these picks I realized that picks are a handy tool to use to on my [...]

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