Ultem Picks, #1 In Customer Ratings
The ultem picks are my personal favorite guitar pick to play with. These picks are great because they provide a good grip and are a strong durable material. They also provide an appealing transparent look. Just recently we had mentioned about how on our Musician’s Friend’s website the Steve Clayton ultem standard guitar picks are ranked first in customer ratings. I personally prefer to play my acoustic guitar with the ultem picks as it provides consistent tone and volume. Recently I have noticed some excellent art work on our ultem guitar picks as pictured. If you are ordering your ultem custom picks make sure to let us know what color ink you would like. It does not cost more to put our red, brown and black ink on the ultem pick. If you haven’t tried our ultem picks out yet, you are definitely missing out. Place your order today and have fun with our custom ultem guitar picks! Just go to steveclayton.com and click on clayton custom.