• The Professional's Choice

Custom Guitar Picks

Innovative Pick!

Sometimes at Clayton, Inc., we get a custom pick design that comes out so well, we just want to show it off! Here is an example of one of these designs. This design is for a company called Innovative Knowledge, and we love the color scheme of the artwork. On the front of the pick is the company name with the logo that they use, and on the back is a two-word description of the company (educational software), and the slogan [...]

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Monster Picks

We wanted to show off some new designs that have recently been submitted for custom pick orders by Clayton customers. These are some highly detailed, very colorful designs that all came out really well on our picks. We liked that, even though these picks were ordered by different people, they all used artistic monster designs with similar colors of blue, grey and red that combine together for a great color trio. Despite the fact that these picks have similar designs, they were all created for different types of guitar pick materials. It is a good way for us to show [...]

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Religious Picks

Here at Clayton, we like to notice when we see designs that are linked together through a similar idea, so that we know what uses customers may have for custom picks besides for playing guitar. The picks shown here are some designs that we’ve produced recently that all have a commonality; they are all religious picks. We think that custom guitar picks are a great idea for churches to use as a giveaway item. Designs like these are also great for Christian rock bands to throw to their fans at concerts. Right now, Christian picks are the most popular that [...]

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Beauty Picks

Clayton custom guitar picks can be used as promotional items for many types of businesses. We have seen custom designs created for coffee shops, electronics stores, and tattoo parlors. Today, we wanted to feature these designs created for beauty salons! These are some cute, very feminine designs that are great for use on promotional custom guitar picks. Many beauty salons are looking for a way to give themselves differentiation in a competitive industry, and often the best way to do so is to give the business an “edge.” After all, people want to go to salons that are up-to-date with current [...]

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Groomsman Picks

It is very popular for customers of Steve Clayton, Inc. to order custom guitar picks for a wedding. We have seen them used for many purposes, such as scattering on tables, favors for guests, part of wedding invitations, etc. One idea that we really like is to use custom picks for groomsmen gifts. During the preparation for the wedding, it is common for a groom to want to give a gift to his groomsmen as a thank you for their participation in the wedding. If the groom and his pals are into music, custom picks are the perfect way to [...]

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Black and Yellow

During the past month, we have noticed that several designs have been submitted for printing on our black celluloid picks that are in yellow. The most common imprint color for our black picks is white, and red is fairly common as well. After seeing these yellow designs though, we have realized that the yellow on black makes for a great color combo that is sure to stand out! Our black celluloids are a specialty material that we provide as an option for custom imprinting. They are available in standard shape, and three different gauges; thin medium, and heavy. They can [...]

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Hot Stamp Foil Picks That Should Be…

Take a look at these pretty Hot Stamp Foil Guitar Picks. One of my favorites as they are always a surprise to see the color come out, almost silky looking with a beautiful bright shine. If you play the electric guitar, you’ll want these picks on stage as they look pretty hot with their bright silver and gold foil.  We have other foil colors you can choose from like purple or red.  The wolf in the design here is a great example of what you can do for a hot stamp foil custom pick.  These picks can take about 4-6 [...]

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White Pearls With Style

These white pearl custom picks are a must see. They all have their unique styles. The wavy peace symbol with the wavy pearl is a great match for the style of artwork. The fireworks on the Opry design look almost real as the white pearl provides a little twinkle to the sparks. If your going to give away guitar picks, I’d highly recommend our white pearl picks because they make an excellent presence with the pretty pearl look. If you [...]

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