• The Professional's Choice


Colin Hay

Products used: Ultem Standard 0.80mm and Ultem Rounded Triangle 0.94mm.

While Colin Hay’s voice and visage are familiar to millions as front-man, songwriter, and vocalist of pop sensation Men at Work (“Down Under”, “Overkill”, “Who Can it Be Now?”), the past ten years have found him re-introducing himself to a new generation of fans. The frequent use of his music in TV and film—including hit shows such as Scrubs (on which he has made several cameo appearances) and Army Wives, the hit sound track to the film Garden State and the recently released Morning Glory—has proven the timeless appeal of his songs: quizzical, curious, cynical yet open-hearted. GATHERING MERCURY is a portrait of Colin Hay the performer, songwriter, and recording artist and—perhaps most importantly—the man behind the persona. The lyrics reveal the emotional peaks and valleys of the past year during which time Hay lost his father, but Hay stands the test of a true artist and demonstrates his ability to marry immediacy and depth without being maudlin or sacrificing the pop accessibility for which he is known.


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