• The Professional's Choice


Innovative Pick!

Sometimes at Clayton, Inc., we get a custom pick design that comes out so well, we just want to show it off! Here is an example of one of these designs. This design is for a company called Innovative Knowledge, and we love the color scheme of the artwork. On the front of the pick is the company name with the logo that they use, and on the back is a two-word description of the company (educational software), and the slogan [...]

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Little Big Town Meets Clayton Crew

What an amazing show we got to see here in Southern Oregon. Our new Jackson County Amphitheater is a perfect place for artists to perform. Last Tuesday, at the Jackson County Fair, Little Big Town invited us out to meet them and to watch their amazing performance. Thank you Mark Wheeler, and Bobby Simmons for working with us and Little Big Town to make it all happen. We look forward to making more custom guitar picks for these stars in the future.


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Defiant Angel

Defiant Angel is one of our newest endorsees. The band is from Birmingham, Alabama and has some upcoming shows in the area, we would recommend checking them out. Their cover of Slither is awesome! I really loved listening to it, Jonathan’s voice is great and the guitar and drums are amazing. The band plays rock music and plays it well! You can check them out at their myspace.

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Monster Picks

We wanted to show off some new designs that have recently been submitted for custom pick orders by Clayton customers. These are some highly detailed, very colorful designs that all came out really well on our picks. We liked that, even though these picks were ordered by different people, they all used artistic monster designs with similar colors of blue, grey and red that combine together for a great color trio. Despite the fact that these picks have similar designs, they were all created for different types of guitar pick materials. It is a good way for us to show [...]

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Factory Addition Moving along

I just wanted to give an update on the progress of our new factory addition.  In this picture you are able to see the forms going up next to our current factory. Soon they will be pouring the foundation, and putting up the new building!

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Pick of the Week – Lethal Saint

This week we selected a Pearl pick on our Rounded Triangle material, by the band Lethal Saint. The band plays what they often refer to as Old School Heavy Metal. They formed in 2006 on the island of Cyprus (off the coast of Greece) by the two guitarists (Andreas Kasapis and Christos Papadopoulos) and the drummer (Christi Isseyegh) and after trying out a few singers they finally found exactly the voice they were looking for to represent the band: Andreas Pouyioukas. The most recent addition to the band is [...]

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Great rock band, “Blackwater James Band” signs with Clayton

As their website states, “They are the swagger of the south, the energy of the sunset strip, the attitude of the borrows, and the dark side of bourbon street are just a few of the ingredients that make Blackwater James the new definition of rock n’ roll.” Dawn Greer Editor of Rock Music United says, “Blackwater James is definetly a great new band to be on the lookout for.” The band comes from the country capitol Nashville, TN. Despite the location [...]

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Religious Picks

Here at Clayton, we like to notice when we see designs that are linked together through a similar idea, so that we know what uses customers may have for custom picks besides for playing guitar. The picks shown here are some designs that we’ve produced recently that all have a commonality; they are all religious picks. We think that custom guitar picks are a great idea for churches to use as a giveaway item. Designs like these are also great for Christian rock bands to throw to their fans at concerts. Right now, Christian picks are the most popular that [...]

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